Urban Anime Lounge Partners & Pledges $500 to HBCU Con 2022!
One thing about Urban Anime Lounge, we are always gonna support the Back Geek community! We're very happy to have been able to pledge $500 to HBCU Con 2022 and become part of the "Fellowship of the Quad."
Not only did we pledge, we are now official partners with HBCU Con! We truly value supporting creatives, and we really had to show up for their first kickstarter and live convention. HBCUs are critical to the Black community and HBCU Con provides a unique way to enhance the intersectionality between HBCU and Black Geek experiences. Two of our Co-founders, Stefanie and Tiffany, have also attended HBCUs :)
HBCU Con 2022 was on April 29-May 1st at Bowie State University in Maryland.
More information: https://hbcucon.org/