Service Projects
Urban Anime Lounge Service Projects
Urban Anime Lounge is committed to giving back. Check out some of the ways we have been involved with non-profit organizations within the community. Be on the lookout for upcoming service projects!
In continuing the fight for #BlackLivesMatter, Urban Anime Lounge raised $1600 for two organizations recommended by the MinneapolisFreedomFund: Color of Change and the Black Table Arts.
In 2019, Urban Anime Lounge hosted a school supplies & summer camp drive for the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas. During our annual meetup, we filled 50 backpacks with school supplies and donated $1200 to secure 2 weeks worth of summer camp spots for teens.

During our 2018 Annual Meetup in Washington DC, Urban Anime Lounge raised over $635.00 to donate toiletries and create hygiene boxes with encouraging cards for the less fortunate community at Central Union Mission, DC

In 2017, Urban Anime Lounge made awesome Get Well Soon cards and donated all types of supplies for the kids with the Children's Healthcare of ATL. Over $500.00 was raised to purchase supplies in addition to members donating physical items.