On Saturday, December 11, 2021, Urban Anime Lounge (UAL) hosted its second virtual "Ladies’ Night" via Zoom. This event was open to women, femmes, and non-men group members only. As a way to combat the effects of the feelings of loneliness brought on by both the pandemic and seasonal depression,UAL’s Ladies’ Night promised something akin to a pajama party, with a night of fun and fellowship.
Whereas our first "UAL Ladies Night 2020" offered twerk lessons and drinking games, this year’s event focused on self-care and goal setting. Attendees followed a shared recipe for a signature cocktail, participated in a homemade face mask tutorial, and created 2022 vision boards all while discussing everything from dating to world travel.
To follow women focused events and topics be sure to follow the #UALSlay hashtag in our Facebook group.